Prof. Efrat Lifshitz
Our group studies low-dimensional semiconductor solids using an interdisciplinary approach that combines material development (via chemical colloidal and vapor transport methods) with experimental and theoretical analysis of their optical and magneto-optical properties. We focus on van der Waals (vdWs) bulk and few-layered crystals and 2D and 3D perovskites, with an emphasis on how surfaces, interfaces, trapping/doping, and spin effects influence photophysics. Utilizing advanced magneto-optical techniques like optically detected magnetic resonance (ODMR), magneto-micro-photoluminescence (M-µPL), and microwave-modulated PL, we explore phenomena such as Auger quenching suppression, the Rashba effect, anisotropies, and magnetic-electronic coupling, addressing key challenges in optoelectronics and spin-based devices.
Summer interns can participate in: (1) Preparing vdWs and perovskites and characterizing their structure and composition; (2) Investigating the magneto-optical properties of magnetic vdWs materials, exploring spin polarization, double valleys, anisotropy, and magnetic-exciton coupling; (3) Studying the magneto-optical properties of 3D and 2D perovskites, focusing on effects like dynamic Rashba, inversion symmetry breaking, and anharmonicity.
Required Background: The prospective intern should have a strong Chemistry background, with an adequate knowledge of solid-state physics and spectroscopy.