Prof. Ofer Neufeld


Our group works in the multidisciplinary field of ultrafast laser-matter interactions. Our overarching goal is understanding the fundamental physical and chemical mechanisms that are active in molecules and materials driven far-from-equilibrium into highly excited states by intense laser pulses. We strive to describe attosecond (10-18 seconds) to femtosecond (10-15 seconds) coherent phenomena with ab-initio simulations (e.g. time-dependent density functional theory), in combination with simple models, in order to predict new physical effects and explain the origins of experimental measurements. Among our big open questions, we are interested in uncovering how e-e interactions evolve on their natural timescale and affect quantum dynamics, how energy transfers from electronic to vibrational degrees of freedom, and what’s the speed limit with which light can induce magnetic responses. We also aim to develop emerging ultrafast applications such as novel approaches for ultrafast high-resolution spectroscopy, quantum control schemes, and new light sources.

Research projects and specific topics in the group include theory of high harmonic generation in molecules and solids, photoionization and photocurrent generation in nonlinear conditions, intense light-matter interactions in quantum materials (e.g. 2D valley materials, topological systems, etc.), ultrafast (and even attosecond) magnetism, and more. The summer student will start out writing his own simple code for exploring highly nonlinear optics in an atomic system irradiated by short laser pulses. Following, more advanced simulations could be performed in any of the topics of interest to the group. Work in our group is especially suited to students with a strong multidisciplinary background who love theory, have a curious and creative mind, and an ambition to learn.

Required background: An interest in doing theory, ab-initio simulations, and advantage for background in materials/physics and/or scientific programming (because the project will involve writing code).